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Inmany sports car seats, a trade-off has been made between performance, drivercomfort and weight. In the new Alpine, we have achieved excellent lateralsupport and comfort despite a total seat weight of only 13.1 kilos. With aone-piece shell and visible support rails, the weight of the Alpine seat hasbeen reduced by up to half compared to those of some of our competitors.
Quiltedleather, functional and comfortable
Withexcellent lateral support for thighs, hips and shoulders, the Alpine seat helpsmaintain driver control in even the most challenging corners. And the quiltingof the seats’ leather, similar to that of some of its predecessors, offersexcellent quality and comfort.
Visi šajā tīmekļa vietnē esošie materiāli (tostarp, bet ne tikai, teksti, fotoattēli, grafikas, skaņas faili, animācijas faili, video faili un to izvietojums vietnē) ir Renault SAS un/vai tās meitasuzņēmumu īpašums vai tādu trešo pušu īpašums, kas ir devušas Renault SAS atļauju lietot tos ierobežotā apjomā, un minētie materiāli ir aizsargāti ar autortiesībām un citiem intelektuālā īpašuma tiesību aktiem. Minēto materiālu izmantošana citiem mērķiem, kas nav saistīti ar žurnālistiku, jo īpaši mārketinga vai reklāmas nolūkiem, ir stingri aizliegta.